A Journey from Research to the Explorers Club

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Our journey into the depths of the Caribbean Region as part of the Protist Prophets research has yielded groundbreaking discoveries, thanks to the tiny yet mighty foraminifera. These microscopic organisms have revealed crucial insights about the health and history of coral reefs, and our research is on the brink of publication. As we finalize our graphs and solidify our main messages, we’re thrilled about the potential impact of our findings on marine science.

In a serendipitous turn of events, Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, a distinguished member of The Explorers Club, approached us with an incredible opportunity. She invited us to present our foraminifera research at the renowned Explorers Club in New York. This prestigious venue, known for its history of promoting exploration and scientific discovery, offered the perfect platform to share our work with a broader audience.

Presenting at The Explorers Club was a dream come true. The club, with its storied past and illustrious members, provided an inspiring backdrop for our presentation. Founded in 1904, The Explorers Club has been a meeting ground for some of the world’s most renowned explorers and scientists. It was thrilling to be among individuals who have dedicated their lives to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and exploration. 

The audience was extraordinary, full of enthusiastic individuals eager to learn about our research. Their positive feedback was overwhelming, with many suggesting that our work could revolutionize coral reef monitoring and research. It was gratifying to see such genuine interest and excitement about our introduction to our findings.

Among the distinguished attendees were several iconic figures in the world of exploration. Sylvia Earle, an oceanographer and marine biologist of legendary repute, graced us with her presence. Known as “Her Deepness,” Earle’s pioneering work in ocean exploration has been a constant source of inspiration for us. Her encouraging words reinforced the importance of our research and its potential to make a difference.

We also had the privilege of meeting Fabian Cousteau, the grandson of the legendary Jacques Cousteau. Fabian’s fascination with our project was palpable, and his insights on marine conservation were invaluable. Sharing our discoveries with someone carrying forward the Cousteau legacy was both humbling and exhilarating.

Another memorable encounter was with the great-great-grandson of Ernest Shackleton, the famed Antarctic explorer. His stories of enduring harsh conditions and pushing the limits of human endurance resonated with our own journey of navigating the complexities of scientific research. His enthusiasm for our work was a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and discovery that Shackleton embodied.

Presenting our research at The Explorers Club was more than just an academic exercise; it was a chance to connect with like-minded individuals passionate about exploration and the natural world. The experience enriched us professionally and personally, opening doors to new collaborations and perspectives.

Protist Prophets

Foraminifera as Global Bioindicators for Past and Present Coral Reef Health

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is working with our partners at the University of Miami (UM) on a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded project called “Protist Prophets – Foraminifera as Global Bioindicators for Past and Present Coral Reef Health.” Akos Kalman is a post-doctoral researcher at UM working on the project, which is taking a microscopic look at seabed samples collected on the Global Reef Expedition(GRE) to assess the state of the coral reef environment over time.

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