Previously, you heard the voice of the students in our J.A.M.I.N. program. Now it’s time to hear how the students in The Bahamas feel about our Bahamas Awareness of Mangroves (B.A.M.) program!
1st Year B.A.M. Students:

“I learned that mangroves are more vital to the conservation of the earth than I ever could have imagined.”
-Benjamin Cornish, Patrick J Bethel High School

“I learned how big of a part mangroves play in Bahamian ecosystems and that we should do more to protect them because they protect us.”
–MacKenzie Ferguson, Forest Heights Academy

“My favorite part of the project it that it’s hands on and that we actually get to visit the mangroves.”
–Jonathon Bootle, Patrick J Bethel High School

“I feel that the B.A.M. project is a healthy, fun, and educational project for us students to interact in. Hopefully, it will spread to more islands that have mangroves so that students can have the same privilege I did in participating in this program.”
–Don Boodle, Forest Heights Academy

“I would improve this project by spending more time in the mangroves. I learn best by going out to the mangroves to see and explore them for myself.”
–Josh Philistin, Patrick J Bethel High School
2nd Year B.A.M. Students:

“B.A.M. has been one of my high school highlights. I’ve had so much fun learning about the mangroves and now I get the chance to educate others on the beauty of the mangroves. We had the best teachers to teach us. Thanks to Ms. Amy, Ms. Lianna, and Ms. Lyndeisha for teaching us….B.A.M. for life! Once a BAMER, Always a BAMER!!!”
–Jerai Bremen, Forest Heights Academy

“My favorite part of the second-year program was handling the different equipment. (Acted as a real scientist.)”
–Rayvyn McKinney, Forest Heights Academy

“I appreciate the effort that the B.A.M. program provides to raise awareness on the problem/issue with mangrove conservation. It has educated me more on mangroves than I ever thought, and I enjoyed the BAM program at my school.”
–Gabriel Darville, Forest Heights Academy