All About Mangroves: Why Do Mangroves Have Aerial Roots?

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Mangroves are some of the most fascinating ecosystems on Earth. These magnificent trees are found in coastal areas in the subtropics and tropics. They are unique because they have adapted to living in seawater and other harsh conditions that most …

The Living Oceans Foundation Signs the Rio Action Statement

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The Living Oceans Foundation is proud to join 25 other philanthropic organizations in signing the Rio Action Statement, an innovative commitment to advance the goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). This joint statement, crafted at the Fourth Ocean Decade Foundations Dialogue meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, outlines a strategic roadmap for mobilizing resources, fostering collaboration, and strengthening communication to support ocean science initiatives ahead of the 2025 UN Ocean Conference…

Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation at COP29 and COP16: Bridging Land and Sea for a Resilient Future

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The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) was honored to participate in two major United Nations conferences in late 2024—COP29, the UN Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, and COP16, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. At both events, the Foundation’s President, HRH Princess Hala bint Khaled bin Sultan, emphasized the critical connections between land, ocean, and people. She also shared the Foundation’s efforts to build climate resilience, protect marine ecosystems, and support coastal communities worldwide…

Remotely Sensed Spectral Variability Predicts Reef Fish Diversity

Published in Ecological Indicators Abstract In terrestrial landscapes, the spectral variability hypothesis (SVH) enables estimation of species diversity from satellite data, thereby allowing biodiversity assessments to be upscaled. Whether the SVH works in the marine realm is an open question. …

Working for a Better Tomorrow: Playa Hotels & Resorts Partners with J.A.M.I.N.

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In April 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming Juan Narvaez, Regional Sustainability Manager for Playa Hotels & Resorts, to celebrate the graduation of William Knibb Memorial High School grade 12 students from the Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves in Nature …

I Live in the Desert, So Why Care About the Ocean?

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As a resident of Saudi Arabia, I’m frequently met with puzzled looks when I express my passion for ocean conservation. People often wonder why someone living in a desert would be concerned about the health of the oceans. Similarly, despite being surrounded by endless stretches of sand, my father founded an ocean conservation foundation. But the truth is, the desert and the ocean are more connected than meets the eye. From influencing weather patterns to supporting biodiversity, the ocean’s impact extends far beyond coastal regions, reaching even the heart of the desert.

Living in the heart of Saudi Arabia, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the ocean. After all, our vast deserts dominate the landscape, covering about 95% of the country. But did you know that Saudi Arabia boasts a coastline stretching over 2,500 kilometers along the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf? Despite the desert’s prominence, the health of our oceans directly impacts life in the desert and beyond…