Restoring Jamaica’s Pedro Banks

Written by Elizabeth Rauer In the 1970’s, Jamaica’s reefs were the pride of the Caribbean, teaming with large fish that supported a vibrant tourism industry and provided seafood for local communities. But overfishing, disease, hurricanes, and development pressure degraded many …

New Study Reveals Worrying Future for Corals

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Written by Alison Barrat A new paper, Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient, gives a more detailed picture than ever of how ocean acidification and increased ocean temperatures combine to spell disaster for the worlds reefs, …

We J.A.M.I.N.!

By Amy Heemsoth In early October we partnered with the University of the West Indies (UWI) Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory to launch a new project as part of our Education program. We called it (J.A.M.I.N.), which stands for Jamaica Awareness …

Swimming the Seven Seas

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By Alison Barrat In August this year the Foundation teamed up with endurance swimmer Lewis Pugh to complete seven long-distance swims in under a month. He is the United Nation’s Patron of the Ocean, and the goal of the challenge …

Green Snails: Valuable Aliens

By Alison Barrat and Alexandra Dempsey You don’t have to look too far to find a horror story about an invasive species that has completely disrupted a natural ecosystem. Cane toads in Australia come to mind or Pythons in the …

Scientist hard at work

Our scientists sure work really hard when aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow.  Here are some shots of them in action.

2014 Winners! Science Without Borders® Challenge

Science Without Borders® Challenge Winners The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation announces that Riley Samels from Ohio is this year’s Science Without Borders® Challenge winner. His stunning art work ‘Reef in a Bottle’ beat out the fierce competition to take …

Sea Stars

See some of the most beautiful sea stars and starfish that we have come across in our journeys.