Global Reef Expedition Final Report: Fiji

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is conducting the Global Reef Expedition – the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history. The Global Reef Expedition is a five-year mission to survey the health and resiliency of coral …

World Heritage High Seas Report

Embodying our motto Science Without Borders®, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has supported the efforts of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre Marine Programme to identify ways in which World Heritage status could be used to protect outstanding places …

Spread of the green snail Turbo marmoratus in French Polynesia

This article on the spread of the green snail in French Polynesia published in Ocean & Coastal Management was a result of research conducted by Living Oceans Foundation Chief Scientist Andrew Bruckner and Coral Reef Ecologist Alexandra Dempsey with other …