Mangrove Scavenger Hunt!

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Expedition Log: Caribbean Mangroves – Day 3 My favorite part of our mangrove education program is taking students into a mangrove forest. Their faces light up with excitement when we’re in the field. This experience is one of the most …

New Student Project to Restore Bahamian Mangroves

ANNAPOLIS, MD – This week, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) is launching Bahamian Awareness of Mangroves (or B.A.M. for short), a new program to support mangrove education and restoration in The Bahamas. The B.A.M. program will provide …

Restoring Mangrove Forests in the Caribbean

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Expedition Log: Caribbean Mangroves – Day 1 I’ve just touched down in sunny Abaco, Bahamas and it is absolutely beautiful here. There are white sandy beaches, turquoise-colored ocean, palm trees, and mangrove trees. Yes, mangrove trees. Mangroves are trees or …

First Underwater Atlas of the Bahamas Published

Nassau – The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, along with the Bahamas National Trust (BNT), recently presented a new Bahamas Underwater Atlas to the Right Honourable Perry Christie, Prime Minister of The Bahamas and the Honourable Khaalis Rolle, Minister …

First Underwater Atlas of the Bahamas Published

Nassau – The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, along with the Bahamas National Trust (BNT), recently presented a new Bahamas Underwater Atlas to the Right Honourable Perry Christie, Prime Minister of The Bahamas and the Honourable Khaalis Rolle, Minister …

Bahamas Atlas

The Bahamas Atlas, Atlas of Shallow Marine Habitats of Cay Sal Bank, Great Inagua, Little Inagua and Hogsty Reef, Bahamas, is the result of months of underwater research to survey and map the seafloor. The Atlas combines advanced satellite imagery, …

Global Reef Expeditions Assess Coral Reef Health

Prince Khaled bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia had a dream: to fund research expeditions focused on the health of the ocean. The dream became reality when the Living Oceans Foundation was founded in California. Global Reef Expeditions Assess Coral Reef …

Mangrove Education & Restoration

  Our mangrove education and restoration program aims to increase environmental awareness and restore mangrove forests in the Caribbean. We have partnered with local educational institutions to teach students and teachers about the ecological importance of their mangrove forests and …

The Global Reef Expedition

The Foundation is conducting one of the largest coral reef studies in history. Called the Global Reef Expedition it will circumnavigate the globe surveying some of the most remote reefs on the planet. It will take five years to complete …