Pedro Bank nurse shark

We found this Pedro Bank nurse shark resting on the bottom while setting the current sensor in place on March 12 during the Jamaica Mission of the Global Reef Expedition.   Video by Brian Beck, Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation

Tender transfer

Tender transfer between the Golden Shadow and the tender is a tricky operation when the swells are up.

Jamaica Final Report

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF), in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, conducted a research mission to Pedro Bank, Jamaica between March 10-20, 2012 as part of the Global Reef Expedition. The research team included scientists from KSLOF, …

Elkhorn coral

Elkhorn coral ((Acropora palmata), one of the most important (and endangered) reef-building corals in the Caribbean, caught on Steve Schill’s dropcam.