Inside the Mangrove Forest

Inside the Mangrove Forest In this short film you’ll learn what mangroves are and the importance of the complex ecosystem their forests create. Welcome to the mangrove forest, where the daily rhythm of the tides sets the pace. These coastal wetlands create …

Planting the [mangrove] Seed

This article written by Amy Heemsoth (KSLOF Education Director) about the KSLOF Mangrove Program in Jamaica and The Bahamas was recently featured in Seven Seas Magazine. Planting the [Mangrove] Seed Seven Seas Magazine August 1, 2016 Amy Heemsoth As I quietly walk …

Planting the Seed

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog As I quietly walk through the mangrove forest, all around me I observe an ecosystem teaming with life. I hear the shuffling of fiddler crabs as they scurry back to their holes in the …

J.A.M.I.N. Mangrove Planting

We’re back in Jamaica again for some Jamaican mangrove planting… taking students and teachers to restore a local mangrove forest. It’s the final phase in a new mangrove education and restoration program called Jamaican Awareness of Mangroves in Nature. Students from Holland High …

Open Day

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog A guest blog by Marsden Palmer of Grade 10 Science at William Knibb Memorial High School, Jamaica and participant in the Jamaican Awareness of Mangroves in Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) program.   For the past three …

LSU Natural Resource Alumni Assist Project JAMIN

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LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources Alumni assists with Project JAMIN (Mangrove Restoration Project) during Reunion in Jamaica A guest blog written by the ‘LSU Wildlife Crew’ who accompanied the KSLOF Education Director to Jamaica for this last phase of …

J.A.M.I.N. Teacher Spotlight

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog I have arrived at the University of the West Indies Discovery Bay Marine Lab in Jamaica and I’m anxious to implement the final phase of the J.A.M.I.N. program. This is the second year of …

There’s a first time for everything

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog After spending two weeks in the Caribbean, we have successfully implemented the J.A.M.I.N. and B.A.M. programs. This trip, my favorite part has been watching the students light up when they interact with the animals that …

JAMIN Spring 2016

Journey with us through these images from our Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves in Nature, JAMIN Spring 2016 project.  Students and teachers alike went beyond just mangrove trees to learn about the entire mangrove ecosystem, its role in nature, and the organisms that …

Inside the Mangrove Forest

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog Sometimes as an educator it is difficult to inspire students, even if we are passionate about an issue. No matter what I do in the classroom, I still feel like I can’t reach some youth. …