My Experience with J.A.M.I.N

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Jamaican high school student, Javar Barnes, chronicles his JAMIN experience learning about Jamaican mangroves through participating in the Foundation’s Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves in Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) program. Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog My experience with the J.A.M.I.N. (Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves …

Mysterious Mangroves

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog It is hard to believe that the first week of the Mangrove Education and Restoration program is complete. In partnership with FRIENDS, we have successfully implemented phase two of the B.A.M. program. Today, I arrived …

JAMIN II Mangrove Organism Show and Tell

Jamaican high school students and teachers enjoy a Mangrove Organism Show and Tell session as part of the Jamaican Awareness of Mangroves in Nature (JAMIN) Program.

J.A.M.I.N., Take Two!

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I’m back in Jamaica and I’m ready to implement the J.A.M.I.N. project. Last year, we initiated the pilot program in two high schools in Jamaica and it was a huge success. My colleague, Camilo Trench from the University of the …

Planting the Seed

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Written by Amy Heemsoth I’m back in Jamaica and we are wrapping up the Jamaica Awareness of Mangrove in Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) project. The energy at the schools is electric. As a former secondary school teacher, I can relate to the …

Ocean Acidification: Breaking it Down

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Guest Co-Host: Allie Toomey, Earth Echo International On Thursday, April 30th at 1pm Eastern/ 10am Pacific, join the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and our partners at Earth Echo International for “Ocean Acidification: Breaking it Down,” an exciting Hangout …