Growing Tall!

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It’s sunny and warm outside and the students are eager to learn more about mangroves. I’m back in Jamaica for phase two of the Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves In Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) project. I’ve returned to provide more professional development training …

We J.A.M.I.N.!

By Amy Heemsoth In early October we partnered with the University of the West Indies (UWI) Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory to launch a new project as part of our Education program. We called it (J.A.M.I.N.), which stands for Jamaica Awareness …

New Mangrove Restoration Project for Jamaica

LANDOVER, MD, October 10th, 2014 – This week the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation launches a year-long mangrove restoration project in Jamaica called the Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves In Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) project. The venture, joined with the University of …

The Global Reef Expedition

The Foundation is conducting one of the largest coral reef studies in history. Called the Global Reef Expedition it will circumnavigate the globe surveying some of the most remote reefs on the planet. It will take five years to complete …

Jamaica Coral Reefs Crisis – What Can Be Done?

This Jamaica Coral Reefs Crisis video reveals how conservationists and fishermen in Jamaica work together to help restore Jamaica’s coral reefs. Once known as the jewels of the Caribbean, Jamaica’s reefs declined over decades. Hurricanes, disease, and pollution have all …

Caribbean Coral Reefs

In this Caribbean Coral Reefs video, learn why coral reefs in the Caribbean are disappearing and what measures are being taken to preserve them. Is it too late to save Caribbean coral reefs?

A Fabulous Ocean Research Platform: Ship Tour of the Golden Shadow

A Fabulous Ocean Research Platform Join Living Oceans Foundation Executive Director, Phil Renaud, as he takes us on a Golden Shadow Ship Tour video of the logistics and scientific research vessel that makes possible the Foundation’s remote coral reef research …