Cay Sal, Bahamas

In March 2011, we conducted aerial assessments of Cay Sal Bank’s shallow marine habitats to collect on-site information that supports the remote sensing work that we do. The aerial  surveys also allow us to obtain photographs of the landmasses and …

Sea anemone going with the flow

Sea anemone going with the flow of the surrounding ocean currents during Living Oceans Foundation Global Reef Expedition.

Global Reef Expedition Navassa Field Report March 25‐31, 2012

Global Reef Expedition Navassa Field Report March 25‐31, 2012 Navassa Island (18◦24’10’’ N, 75◦0’45’’W) is a U.S. possession that is approximately 5 km2 in area. The island lacks permanent human population. The island is comprised of a raised plateau surrounded by steep …

Dolphins at Bajo Nuevo, Colombia

These dolphins at Bajo Nuevo, Colombia joined our conch survey team for about 10 minutes during the San Andres Archipelago leg of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition. Of several dolphin encounters, this was by far …

Uncensored! Green turtles mating

Endangered sea turtles (Chelonia mydas): Green turtles mating at Bajo Nuevo, San Andres Archipelago, Colombia. Footage, by Andy Bruckner, taken during the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition in April 2012.