Mission Accomplished!

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As the sun sets on Cay Sal Bank in the Bahamas tonight, our home for the last three weeks – the M/Y Golden Shadow – is steaming home toward Freeport. Our research team had one final dive this morning before …

An Interview with Living Oceans Fellow Dr. Sonia Bejarano

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Hi Sonia… what is your background and connection to the Living Oceans Foundation? Hello! I am a Marine Biologist and I work under the supervision of professor Peter Mumby in the Marine Spatial Ecology Lab at the School of Biosciences …

Odds and Ends

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After 15 full days of Cay Sal Bank coral reef research, our expedition team is still going strong. Our survey divers have completed transects and fish counts at 29 separate sites across the bank on nearly 40 dives. You can …

Lionfish on Cay Sal Bank Bahamas

This lionfish on Cay Sal Bank Bahamas underwater video was taken during the Global Reef Expedition filming of coral reef life.

Grouper Follow-Along

This Grouper Follow-Along underwater video at Cay Sal Bank Bahamas was taken during the Global Reef Expedition filming of coral reef creatures.

Filefish Follow-along

This Filefish Follow-along underwater coral reef video was taken at Cay Sal Bank,  Bahamas on the Global Reef Expedition filming of various coral reef creatures and sea life.

Camoflauge Barracuda

This camoflauge barracuda underwater coral reef video was taken at Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas during the Global Reef Expedition filming of sea life and coral reef creatures.

Cay Sal Benthic Substrate

This Cay Sal Benthic Substrate underwater coral reef video was taken on the Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas Mission of the Global Reef Expedition seafloor mapping project.

Tube Sponge

This Tube Sponge underwater coral reef video was taken at Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas on the Global Reef Expedition filming of sea creatures and coral reef life. The tall tubes made by this sponge are a kind of natural “chimney,” …

An Interview with Living Oceans Fellow Jeremy Kerr

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Hi Jeremy… Can you tell us about your involvement in the Living Oceans Foundation Global Reef Expedition? Sure, I’m a research assistant and a Ph.D. student in the National Coral Reef Institute housed at Nova Southeastern University’s Oceanographic Center and …