Galapagos Corals May Predict the Future of Reefs Worldwide

The Galapagos Islands have been famous for a century and a half, but even Charles Darwin thought the archipelago’s list of living wonders didn’t include coral reefs. It took until the 1970s before scientists realized the islands did in fact …

Global Reef Expeditions Assess Coral Reef Health

Prince Khaled bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia had a dream: to fund research expeditions focused on the health of the ocean. The dream became reality when the Living Oceans Foundation was founded in California. Global Reef Expeditions Assess Coral Reef …

Galápagos Coral Reef and Coral Community Monitoring Manual

The Galápagos Coral Reef and Community Monitoring Manual was developed at the request of the Galápagos National Park in response to coral surveys undertaken by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation during the Global Reef Expedition. It is intended to serve as a …