Angaur’s Marine Lakes

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 9 After surveying the reefs located off Angaur, an oceanic Island about 10 km south of Peliliu, we headed ashore to explore the island.  Tucked away in a lush tropical rainforest at the northwestern end …

Rebirth of the Forest

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 8 1998 was a bad year for coral reefs. In many parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans an unprecedented coral bleaching event swept across the reefs, killing much of the coral.  In some countries, …

New Study Reveals Worrying Future for Corals

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Written by Alison Barrat A new paper, Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient, gives a more detailed picture than ever of how ocean acidification and increased ocean temperatures combine to spell disaster for the worlds reefs, …

Swimming with the Jellies

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 7 I felt like I was floating in an emerald green broth chock full of mushrooms.  Thousands of mushrooms, actually more like 13 million mushrooms. I dove to the depths and looked up, rays of …

A Big Mouth

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 6 When our benthic team is conducting surveys, we are usually looking down at the benthos, concentrating and writing furiously on our dive slates. We often come back to the boat and hear excited questions …

Fragile Flowers

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 5 Usually we find the most delicate corals in protected deeper lagoonal waters.  Species such as Anacropora, a cousin of Acropora which forms bushes of long spindly branches, up to a meter tall but only …

Longjawed Mackerel: A Real ‘Big Mouth’

These weird and wonderful fish are the Longjawed Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). They swim around with their mouths open and gill rakers exposed, filtering zooplankton from the water for food. They swim in densely packed schools and are widespread throughout the …

The Bait Grounds

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 3 Today we surveyed reefs in the Ngeruktabel complex of the Rock Islands, which are located south of Malakal harbor.  The area is known locally as the “bait grounds” because local fishermen use small nets …

Raging Remoras

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 2 Remoras are a unique type fish. They use their distinctive specialized dorsal fin to attach to larger marine animals for transportation, protection and food. These fish are most commonly seen underwater hitching a free …