Great Barrier Reef Field Report

During the month of September 2014, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to the Great Barrier Reef as part of the Global Reef Expedition. In response to the some of the reef’s decline, the Great …

Who’s up for a Dive on an Active Volcano?

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After our dive earlier in the mission where we could hear the submarine explosions of Kavachi, the underwater volcano (and occasionally nascent island landmass), we were told that we were in for a special treat on the last day of …

A Customary Ceremony

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Today both the education and science teams conducted business as usual; however, the afternoon brought about a special welcome ceremony that few get to experience. In order to work in the Solomon Islands, we obtained both a national and provincial …

Diving with Spectators

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Currently, the Reef Islands has no airport and barely any visitors make their way to this group of islands in the south eastern Solomon Islands. In fact, our ship is one of only four to make it out this year—with …

Partners in Education

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I am really excited to be aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow for the second half of the Living Oceans Foundation’s (LOF) Solomon Islands mission. I have joined the LOF education team and I am representing a partner organization, OceansWatch. OceansWatch …


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During the course of our survey dives we see many representatives of the Phylum Mollusca (mollusks). Frequently we see gastropod (snail) shells but most are carried about the reef by small hermit crabs which have taken up residence in the …

Refeta Rock

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Today the education team visited Asumbuo Village on Utupua Island. The village warmly welcomed us with flower headbands and then they sang us a beautiful welcome song. Today’s blog is about a story that is passed down from generation to …

Traditional Canoes

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Today the education team is headed to Kia Village on Santa Isabel Island to conduct a seminar on coral reefs. Due to rough sea conditions, it took us a long time to get to our location, but when we got …