Corals and Carbon Dioxide

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The Golden Shadow arrived at Puerto Villamil, on the southern end of Isabela Island, last night. It is the third-largest settlement, and the largest island, in the archipelago. Today we explored shallow lagoons near the town’s docks, in particular one …

Corals in the Devil’s Crown

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After just one dive at San Cristobal Island, the team decided the water was too rough, so the Golden Shadow moved on. We woke Monday to overcast skies at Floreana, the southernmost of the five inhabited islands. Monday brought three dives …

Heading South

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This weekend marked the halfway point of the Galapagos expedition, both in time and in territory. After a week at Marchena, Darwin and Wolf, the latter two far to the north of the main group of islands, the ship will …

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle at the Smithsonian

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle A conversation with ‘Her Deepness’ Dr. Sylvia Earle. The Foundation’s scientific team connected with Dr. Earle from the research ship Golden Shadow in the Galápagos. Dr. Earle and the science team discussed the Foundation’s …

Galapagos Ocean Currents

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Why are the waters around the Galapagos Islands so rich with marine life? It’s because the islands are in a very special spot.  Oceanographically speaking, they are at the intersection of five major ocean currents. Along with the equatorial surface weather, these …

Galapagos Octopus

A Galapagos octopus scavenges the reef for food in the Galapagos Islands during the Global Reef Expedition.  Video by Brian Beck, Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation June 2012