In Awe of J.A.M.I.N

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Today’s guest blog comes from Sandra Turner, who works to promote the equitable advancement of climate literacy and ocean conservation. The Geography of Awe is the name of her latest National Geographic Society grant project, where she integrates her fieldwork and expertise in cartography and multimedia storytelling to share her love for the Caribbean’s rich culture and biodiversity. Here’s what she had to say about working with us on our J.A.M.I.N. program:

Every so often, we get the rare chance to experience genuine awe and inspiration. This was the case when Amy Heemsoth extended the invitation to join her this past April at William Knibb High School as she concluded her Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves in Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) program. I was in Jamaica conducting conservation research and fieldwork on another part of the island. Still, after months of phone calls, I could not resist the opportunity to meet Amy in person and learn more about the incredible work she does in the region, teaching students about marine ecosystems.

As a National Geographic Certified Educator and Explorer currently working to increase the equitable advancement of climate and ocean literacy to students in vulnerable global communities, Amy and I converged on the idea of deepening student citizen science and storytelling engagement. As I reflect on the impactful day spent with Amy, the students, and the staff, there are a few unforgettable moments worth sharing…

2022-2023 B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N. Teacher Spotlight

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Often, we share comments about our B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N. programs from the students’ perspectives. This year I would like to highlight our remarkable teachers. Teachers are the backbone of our mangrove education and restoration programs, and their crucial role cannot be overstated. Over the years, we have come to realize that the success of these programs hinges on the teachers’ willingness to embrace and seamlessly integrate them into their classrooms. Their dedication and passion for teaching have enabled us to achieve our goals of educating students about the significance of mangroves and instilling a sense of conservation in them.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the teachers who have been part of our programs, both the veterans who have been with us since the beginning and the new members who have recently joined our educational family. It is their incredible commitment that empowers us to make a lasting impact on the lives of students and cultivate a future generation that will protect and preserve our precious mangroves. It’s time to meet and celebrate our dedicated B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N. teachers who make a significant difference every day!

J.A.M.I.N. Student Voices

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Throughout the B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N. programs, we evaluate each program by surveying students in each of the three phases of the mangrove education and restoration process. We use this information to gauge how much information the students initially know regarding mangroves and their attitudes toward them before we begin the programs. After we start the programs, we continue to survey the students. This data helps us to determine whether our education programs are effective and whether we know our audience. It also allows us to measure how much knowledge is retained and whether their attitudes and actions about mangroves change as they continue through the program.

During the final survey, we ask the students for their input about the program. We want to know things such as: How we can improve the program; What was their favorite part of the program; and What did they learn from participating in the program?

One of my favorite things to do after the programs have ended is to read the students’ written responses. Below you will find select responses to the final survey. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Shining the Spotlight on Our Partner, Trudy-Ann Campbell

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After a hiatus of over two years due to the unforeseen impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were eager to resume the Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves in Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) this past school year. With its return came several changes, and one of the most exciting additions this year was the arrival of Trudy-Ann Campbell, the new outreach officer at the UWI Discovery Bay Marine Lab —a valued partner in the J.A.M.I.N. initiative.

In her role as the outreach officer, Trudy takes charge of organizing educational activities for both primary and secondary school students. Her responsibilities extend beyond the classroom as she collaborates with organizations like ours to deliver educational programs that create environmental awareness among youth. Moreover, Trudy works closely with local communities, empowering them to actively participate in the preservation and conservation of their mangroves…

Lau Seascape Initiative

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The Lau Seascape Initiative (LSI) is a program that focuses on the conservation and protection of marine ecosystem resources in the Lau region of Fiji. With multiple stresses such as climate change and overharvesting of coastal fisheries, the Indigenous peoples of Lau, in conjunction with the NGO Conservation International, have joined together to create a roadmap for protecting Lau’s biodiversity and ecosystems while in tandem with promoting sustainable development solutions for the local stakeholders.

One of the goals of this program was to bring together scientists, traditional leaders, government officials, and the people of Lau for the LSI Planning Retreat. The retreat took place in early March of this year in Suva, Fiji’s capital city. I was asked by Conservation International to speak to the LSI group about past work conducted in Lau by The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) as well our future work with our in-country conservation partner the Pacific Blue Foundation. The title of my presentation Reefs of Lau Province: Past, Present, and Future, explains local, regional, and global context for status of the Lau reefs and what new technologies and methods KSLOF is helping refine for sustainable coral reef management…

Fire Walking

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As the sun begins to set and the lagoonal waters are calm, I begin to smell the strong aroma of burning coconut husks and leaves as we approach the beach near the village Rukua on Beqa Island. The Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF) team and I are attending a fire walking ceremony, an important cultural and spiritual exercise that has its roots strongly tied in with the Beqa Island community.

Fire walking is a traditional ritual that has been practiced in various cultures around the world for centuries. One of the most well-known places where this ritual is still performed is in the Beqa Lagoon in Fiji. This ancient tradition is not only a testament to the Fijian culture but also a spectacular event that draws tourists from all over the world…

Safeguarding the unique biodiversity of the Beqa Lagoon for future generations

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Bula! My name is Ulamila Matairakula and I am the Environmental Officer for the Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF). My work largely revolves around the Beqa Lagoon Seascape with interacting with local communities and villages about their marine resources. Being a Fijian …

Measuring the size of a Tsunami

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How big was the size of the tsunami that hit Tonga last year? A new study led by scientists at the University of Miami and the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation measured the size of the Tongan tsunami and found that it was similar in size to the one caused by the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.

The 2022 eruption of a submarine volcano in Tonga was more powerful than the largest U.S. nuclear explosion, according to a new study led by scientists at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science and the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.  

The 15-megaton volcanic explosion from Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, one of the largest natural explosions in more than a century, generated a mega-tsunami with waves up to 45-meters high (148 feet) along the coast of Tonga’s Tofua Island and waves up to 17 meters (56 feet) on Tongatapu, the country’s most populated island.

In a new analysis in Science Advances, researchers used a combination of before-and-after satellite imagery, drone mapping, field observations collected by scientists at The University of Auckland, and high-resolution bathymetric maps from the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition, to produce a tsunami simulation of the Tongan Archipelago. The results showed how the complex shallow bathymetry in the region acted as a low-velocity wave trap, capturing a more than hour-long tsunami with waves up to 85 meters (279 feet) high one minute after the initial explosion.

How the Tonga eruption rang Earth ‘like a bell’

In Popular Science by RAHUL RAO April 14, 2023 A detailed simulation of underwater shockwaves changes what we know about the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption. When the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano in Tonga exploded on January 15, 2022—setting off a sonic …