Sea anemone going with the flow

Sea anemone going with the flow of the surrounding ocean currents during Living Oceans Foundation Global Reef Expedition.

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle at the Smithsonian

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle A conversation with ‘Her Deepness’ Dr. Sylvia Earle. The Foundation’s scientific team connected with Dr. Earle from the research ship Golden Shadow in the Galápagos. Dr. Earle and the science team discussed the Foundation’s …

Galapagos Octopus

A Galapagos octopus scavenges the reef for food in the Galapagos Islands during the Global Reef Expedition.  Video by Brian Beck, Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation June 2012

Whale Shark Near Wolf Island Galapagos

Our Coral Reef Ecologist Brian Beck caught sight of a whale shark near Wolf Island Galapagos while conducting research during the Global Reef Expedition.

Dolphins at Bajo Nuevo, Colombia

These dolphins at Bajo Nuevo, Colombia joined our conch survey team for about 10 minutes during the San Andres Archipelago leg of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition. Of several dolphin encounters, this was by far …

Uncensored! Green turtles mating

Endangered sea turtles (Chelonia mydas): Green turtles mating at Bajo Nuevo, San Andres Archipelago, Colombia. Footage, by Andy Bruckner, taken during the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition in April 2012.

Dolphins at Serranilla

Catch these playful dolphins at Serranilla as they visit with Living Oceans marine scientists during the Global Reef Expedition.

Mike Trimble interviews Jean Wiener

Mike Trimble interviews Jean Wiener aboard the Golden Shadow ocean research vessel during the Global Reef Expedition. Mike Trimble was the first Living Oceans Foundation Coral Educator on the Water (CREW) participant, attending the Navassa Mission in June 2012, and …