Lionfish on Cay Sal Bank Bahamas

This lionfish on Cay Sal Bank Bahamas underwater video was taken during the Global Reef Expedition filming of coral reef life.

Grouper Follow-Along

This Grouper Follow-Along underwater video at Cay Sal Bank Bahamas was taken during the Global Reef Expedition filming of coral reef creatures.

Filefish Follow-along

This Filefish Follow-along underwater coral reef video was taken at Cay Sal Bank,  Bahamas on the Global Reef Expedition filming of various coral reef creatures and sea life.

Camoflauge Barracuda

This camoflauge barracuda underwater coral reef video was taken at Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas during the Global Reef Expedition filming of sea life and coral reef creatures.

Cay Sal Benthic Substrate

This Cay Sal Benthic Substrate underwater coral reef video was taken on the Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas Mission of the Global Reef Expedition seafloor mapping project.

Tube Sponge

This Tube Sponge underwater coral reef video was taken at Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas on the Global Reef Expedition filming of sea creatures and coral reef life. The tall tubes made by this sponge are a kind of natural “chimney,” …

Rock Beauty Fish

This Rock Beauty Fish Underwater Coral Reef Video was taken at Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas on the Global Reef Expedition filming of coral reef creatures and various sea life.

Slipper Lobster

This Slipper Lobster underwater coral reef video was taken at Cal Sal Bank, Bahamas during the Global Reef Expedition filming of various sea creatures.

Loggerhead Turtle

Here’s a great Loggerhead Turtle underwater coral reef video taken at Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas during the Gobal Reef Expedition filming of reef creatures and sea life.