Coral Reef Biodiversity in the Red Sea

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Written by: Elizabeth Rauer Red Sea coral reefs are known for their remarkable heat tolerance and resiliency in the face of rising sea temperatures, but many reefs are threatened by other factors such as development, overfishing, and disease. In order …

Farasan Islands

Throughout the month of May 2006, the Living Oceans Foundation led a collaborative research project in the south-central Red Sea in the vicinity of the Farasan Islands Marine Protected Area. The multi-national science team members provided ‘live’ daily reports of …

Farasan Islands Habitat Mapping in Saudi Arabia Using CASI and QuickBird Imagery

Farasan Islands Habitat Mapping in Saudi Arabia Using CASI and QuickBird Imagery Map products derived from remote sensing technology increase our understanding and ability to manage tropical marine environments. The enhanced mapping capabilities of hyperspectral sensors are well understood; yet technology uptake, particularly …

Science Diary – 24 May 2006

Focus for today: Post-expedition data analysis. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: Double Award Applied Science; Developing Scientific Skills (Carrying our Practical Tasks, Recording and Post-expedition data analysis). Key information: During the 3 weeks of this expedition, a huge amount …