Coral reef photo transect survey

Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation Executive Director CAPT Phil Renaud conducts a photo transect survey at Great Inagua Island, Bahamas during the Global Reef Expedition.  Video by Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.

Deploying the Recording Doppler Current Profiler

Executive Director CAPT Phil Renaud and Dive Safety Officer Nick Cautin work together to deploy the Recording Doppler Current Profiler (RDCP) at Great Inagua, Bahamas during the Global Reef Expedition.  Video by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.

Bluestriped lizardfish eats a live blue chromis

A bluestriped lizardfish eats a live blue chromis during the Global Reef Expedition. Even though we know it must go on all the time, it is rare to see predation among coral reef fish, and rarer still to capture it …

Diving in rough seas at Great Inagua Island Bahamas

Divers must use extreme caution when approaching the dive boat while diving in rough seas at Great Inagua Island Bahamas under strong ocean currents during the Global Reef Expedition.  Video by Amanda Williams, Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation

Blue Queen triggerfish on the reef

A queen triggerfish on the reef showing rare markings of the intermediate kind, one of the beautiful coral reef creatures filmed underwater during KSLOF Global Reef Expedition at Inagua Island, Bahamas.


This barracuda underwater video taken at Inaguas, Bahamas as part of filming various sea life on the Global Reef Expedition.

Lionfish on Cay Sal Bank Bahamas

This lionfish on Cay Sal Bank Bahamas underwater video was taken during the Global Reef Expedition filming of coral reef life.

Grouper Follow-Along

This Grouper Follow-Along underwater video at Cay Sal Bank Bahamas was taken during the Global Reef Expedition filming of coral reef creatures.

Filefish Follow-along

This Filefish Follow-along underwater coral reef video was taken at Cay Sal Bank,  Bahamas on the Global Reef Expedition filming of various coral reef creatures and sea life.