What are Corals?

In this What are Corals video, you’ll learn what corals really are. Corals are animals. An individual coral’s body, called a polyp, is mostly stomach, with a mouth on top. Its mouth is ringed with tentacles – but these just …

Coral Reefs: Trouble in Paradise Film

Coral Reefs: Trouble in Paradise Film by Living Oceans Foundation tells the story of an international scientific team in the Chagos Archipelago, a tropical paradise in the British Indian Ocean Territory with some of the healthiest coral reefs on the planet. …

Tonga Fishing for the Future

This video, Tonga Fishing for the Future, by Living Oceans Foundation explores measure being taken to ensure the future of Tonga’s fishing industry.

Reefs on the Road: Tonga

In this video Reefs on the Road: Tonga, Amy Heemsoth, the Education Director at the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, travels to Tonga to help locals children understand more about their precious resource – coral reefs.

360⁰ Solomon

360⁰ Solomon Islands underwater video covers a team of scientists from Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and XL Catlin Seaview Survey as they set sail on the world’s largest coral reef expedition to gather ground-breaking images to reveal the …

Mission to Palau

The Global Reef Expedition surveyed the reefs of Palau as part of their ongoing mission to study the health of coral reefs around the world. Palau’s reefs are filled with schools of large fish and ancient corals, important indicators of …

Longjawed Mackerel: A Real ‘Big Mouth’

These weird and wonderful fish are the Longjawed Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). They swim around with their mouths open and gill rakers exposed, filtering zooplankton from the water for food. They swim in densely packed schools and are widespread throughout the …

Mapping The Blue

GIS Mapping for Cook Islands Mega Marine Park In 2012, the Cook Islands announced a Mega Marine Park, what was, at the time, the biggest marine park on Earth. This is one of the most awesome places on the planet …

Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) Crisis

The venomous thorn-like spines that protect this crown of thorns starfish are the least of our problems – this species is destroying coral reefs in many parts of the world due to an imbalance in the oceans – find out …

Fabulous Encounter In Fiji: Fiji Education Outreach

From 15 Islands in the  Lau province of Fiji. The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation was inspired by meeting the people of the Lau province of Fiji and discussing many of the issues of coral reef conservation that affect …