Restoring Mangrove Forests in the Caribbean

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Expedition Log: Caribbean Mangroves – Day 1 I’ve just touched down in sunny Abaco, Bahamas and it is absolutely beautiful here. There are white sandy beaches, turquoise-colored ocean, palm trees, and mangrove trees. Yes, mangrove trees. Mangroves are trees or …

Success Was Worth the Wounds

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Expedition Log: Cook Islands – Day 12 As we bandage our wounds, wash and pack our gear, and prepare for our departure, we take time to discuss the outcomes of our project with our partners in Aitutaki. Since discovering and …

BIOT Field Report

Between 7 March 2015 and 3 May 2015, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted two coral reef research missions to the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) as components of our Global Reef Expedition (GRE) program. Our primary objectives …

After the Fire

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Expedition Log: Cook Islands – Day 11 After a drove of crown of thorns starfish (COTS) moves through the reef, all that remains are the stark white coral skeletons. These quickly become covered in a green and brown fuzz of …

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet?

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Expedition Log: Cook Islands – Day 10 Juvenile and adult crown of thorns starfish (COTS) do not walk on their arms. Instead, they have thousands of tiny tube feet which occur along the grooves underneath each arm. Operated hydraulically using …

Locust of the Reef

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Expedition Log: Cook Islands – Day 9 Coral reefs are considered one of the most productive and species-rich ecosystems in the world, but that doesn’t make them invulnerable to natural threats. The reefs in the Cook Islands have recently been …

No Fish With My Chips Please

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Expedition Blog: Cook Islands – Day 8 On one of our last nights in Aitutaki we feasted on a traditional Aitutaki buffet, featuring locally grown root crops, breadfruit, spinach, bananas, salads, potatoes, free range chicken and locally caught barbequed fish. …

COTs Removal: No Easy Feat

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Written by Carly Reeves Expedition Log: Cook Islands – Day 7 We’ve been chasing down the crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) here on Aitutaki for twelve days now, and I’ve got the scars to prove it. A spine to the leg / …

Launching Our Coral Reef Curriculum

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Written by Liz Rauer & Amy Heemsoth The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is proud to launch our brand new Coral Reef Education Portal! This custom-built online platform contains a comprehensive coral reef curriculum complete with lesson plans, quizzes, educational …