Working Together

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Over the past two weeks we’ve been meeting up with local leaders and fishers of the Vava’u island group in Tonga. The shallow-water reefs and lagoons surrounding the islands provide a vital source of protein for local people. The sharing …

Island Education

Written by Toni Saul It is early morning as we make our way on circuitous dirt and pothole roads, dodging a menagerie of farm animals from the tiniest piglet to unbridled horses and cows. We petition friendly locals for fine-tuned …

Turn of the Tide

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Today as the sun came up we made our way to the west side of the Vava’u archipelago. After about twenty minutes in the car we reached the small town of Koloa and turned down a narrow track that petered …

Back in Tonga

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We are thrilled to send you this update! We’ve been pretty quiet over the last few months as we’ve been hunkered down crunching data from previous research expeditions. However, we’re in the field now and ready to send blogs and …

Green Snails: Valuable Aliens

By Alison Barrat and Alexandra Dempsey You don’t have to look too far to find a horror story about an invasive species that has completely disrupted a natural ecosystem. Cane toads in Australia come to mind or Pythons in the …

Scientist hard at work

Our scientists sure work really hard when aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow.  Here are some shots of them in action.

2014 Winners! Science Without Borders® Challenge

Science Without Borders® Challenge Winners The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation announces that Riley Samels from Ohio is this year’s Science Without Borders® Challenge winner. His stunning art work ‘Reef in a Bottle’ beat out the fierce competition to take …

Sea Stars

See some of the most beautiful sea stars and starfish that we have come across in our journeys.

Mapping The Blue

GIS Mapping for Cook Islands Mega Marine Park In 2012, the Cook Islands announced a Mega Marine Park, what was, at the time, the biggest marine park on Earth. This is one of the most awesome places on the planet …