Corals Get Sick Too! Coral Disease (with examples)

Corals have many natural and anthropogenic threats. Coral disease is just one of them. Find out more about corals, coral disease, and how coral disease is causing the deterioration of coral reefs around the world.

Climate Change and the Prophetic Galapagos Coral Reefs

Climate change is one of the largest global threats to coral reefs. Learn how corals in the Galapagos Islands may be good indicators for climate change and how they may help in managing other coral reefs throughout the world.

Bahamas@Sunrise Special Edition Aboard the Golden Shadow

On April 8, 2011, a Bahamas@Sunrise Special Edition Aboard the Golden Shadow was held in Nassau, Bahamas to kick off the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition. This six-year endeavor conducted 3 legs of coral reef research …

GoPro Flyover of Fijian Reefs

This GoPro Flyover of Fijian Reefs shows the beautiful coral reefs of the Fiji Islands through the eyes of a GoPro camera aboard the Golden Fleet’s amphibious aircraft, the Golden Eye.

Tongan Livelihood

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In Tonga, people are dependent on the land and sea for food and it’s a way to make money for their families. Agriculture and fishing form the primary basis for Tongan livelihood.  Handicrafts, pumpkins, fish, and vanilla are the main …

A Gift of ‘Atu

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While visiting the island Ha’ano in Tonga, I was told a Tongan legend of the abundant skipjack tuna that visit the shallow waters near Ha’ano every year. It wasn’t until later that I learned that there was a story behind …

Tonga Field Report

Between September 10, 2013 – October 3, 2013 the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to Tonga as part of the Global Reef Expedition, focusing on coral reefs surrounding the islands in the Ha’apai group (Sep 11-21), …