Whales, Whales, Whales

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Traveling from dive spot to dive spot in Tonga it’s not difficult to find a misty cloud of water near the surface. We have arrived during Megaptera novaeangliae, humpback whale season. Why are there humpback whales near Tonga this time …

Corals without Skeletons

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One of the most colorful and diverse groups of invertebrates found on coral reefs are soft corals (known scientifically as Alcyonaceans). These cnidarians are related to stony (scleractinian) corals, but they lack a massive, calcified skeleton and have eight hollow …


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If you follow our blogs, then you might recall the blogs about harvesting sea cucumbers in Fiji. In Tonga, they are also collecting sea cucumbers and processing them. When the sea cucumbers are processed and dried, they are called beche-de-mer. …

Tonga Coral Reef Education & Outreach Launched

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The coral reef education team is underway while on the Global Reef Expedition in Tonga. On the first day, five different environmental education programs were conducted in Ha’apai throughout the Lifuka district, including one secondary school and four primary schools. …

One of the world’s most venomous snakes: The Sea krait

This black-banded sea krait (probably Laticauda colubrine) was spotted foraging during the Global Reef Expedition in Tonga. Very widespread through Asian and Pacific seas, with six similar species of Laticauda. Although their venom is among the most toxic of all …


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On our second day of diving we had our first encounter with a sea snake.  While most of the 62 described species are true aquatic snakes, we observed one of the more primitive snakes, banded sea kraits, Laticauda colubrina.  This …

Coral reefs of Tonga

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The Kingdom of Tonga contains some of the most unique and extensive coral reef environments found in the central south Pacific, with over 1500 square kilometers of reef area. These Tonga coral reefs are located due east of the 35,000 …

Raising Awareness: Faces of the Future

Over the past couple of decades, the future outlook of coral reefs has been dismal. With an increasing pressure from anthropogenic and natural stressors, coral reefs are declining around the world. The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation recognizes the …