2020 Science Without Borders® Challenge: High School Finalists

Congratulations to the high school finalists in our 2020 Science Without Borders® Challenge!, The theme of this year’s student art contest was “Take Action: Conserve Coral Reefs.” These top-10 finalists were chosen based on how well the artwork exemplified this …

Dive into the Underwater World of Coral Reefs

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We understand that these times are challenging, especially with students, parents, and teachers adjusting to homeschooling. To make life easier, we have compiled our best e-learning videos, activities, and worksheets on our website, so that you can easily find engaging …

Read It!

Scientists spend a lot of time reading and writing. Our scientists have written hundreds of field blogs about the coral reef research that we have conducted around the world. We have incorporated these blogs into our Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum. …

Educational Videos

Our educational videos provide a general overview of the background information covered in an individual unit. These videos are embedded below and can also be found on our website in the Background Information section of each unit. Most units contain videos …


Are your kids learning from home? The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has a number of resources parents and teachers can use to provide their kids with a quality science education from home.  As COVID-19 has changed our learning …

Big Corals, Little Fish: A survey of coral reef fish in Tonga

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As a marine scientist, visiting the Kingdom of Tonga to study the coral reefs was a treat. We observed so many beautiful marine animals and habitats that were unlike anywhere else on the Global Reef Expedition. One of my favorite sites was in Vava’u where there were massive Porites corals the size of cars that dwarfed the divers. It was incredible.

However, what I found most surprising was the fish communities.

Global Reef Expedition: Findings from the Kingdom of Tonga

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The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has published our findings from extensive coral reef surveys conducted in the Kingdom of Tonga. Released today, the Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga Final Report contains critical information on the health and resiliency …

Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga Final Report

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation embarked on the Global Reef Expedition—the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history—to study the coral reef crisis on a global scale. As part of the 5-year expedition, an international team …