Jamaica Coral Reefs Crisis – What Can Be Done?

This Jamaica Coral Reefs Crisis video reveals how conservationists and fishermen in Jamaica work together to help restore Jamaica’s coral reefs. Once known as the jewels of the Caribbean, Jamaica’s reefs declined over decades. Hurricanes, disease, and pollution have all …

Caribbean Coral Reefs

In this Caribbean Coral Reefs video, learn why coral reefs in the Caribbean are disappearing and what measures are being taken to preserve them. Is it too late to save Caribbean coral reefs?

Tonga Field Report

Between September 10, 2013 – October 3, 2013 the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to Tonga as part of the Global Reef Expedition, focusing on coral reefs surrounding the islands in the Ha’apai group (Sep 11-21), …

Backyard Classroom

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It’s not every day that you can look out your window and see a coral reef in your own backyard. For students of the Government Primary School (GPS) in Matamaka Island, Tonga, this story is a reality. Matamaka Provides Unique …

Feke and the Rat

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For thousands of years, Tongan fishing used traditional outrigger canoes known as popao. With modern technology, it is rare to see these traditional fishing boats and it’s even rarer to see traditional fishing gear being used; however, there are still …

Fasting Whales

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Does the idea of whales fasting sound strange to you? Read on to find out why they do… Humpback whales are a type of baleen whale. Baleen whales do not have teeth, instead they have baleen plates, which are made …

Whales, Whales, Whales

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Traveling from dive spot to dive spot in Tonga it’s not difficult to find a misty cloud of water near the surface. We have arrived during Megaptera novaeangliae, humpback whale season. Why are there humpback whales near Tonga this time …

Corals without Skeletons

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One of the most colorful and diverse groups of invertebrates found on coral reefs are soft corals (known scientifically as Alcyonaceans). These cnidarians are related to stony (scleractinian) corals, but they lack a massive, calcified skeleton and have eight hollow …

Coral reefs of Tonga

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The Kingdom of Tonga contains some of the most unique and extensive coral reef environments found in the central south Pacific, with over 1500 square kilometers of reef area. These Tonga coral reefs are located due east of the 35,000 …