What Do Corals Eat?

Do you know… what do corals eat? In this What Do Corals Eat video, you’ll learn about what types of food sources corals eat and how. Coral polyps are mostly stomach, with a mouth on top. Symbiotic algae, zooxanthellae, live …

Where Are Coral Reefs Found?

Do you know… where are coral reefs found? In this Where Are Coral Reefs Found video, you’ll learn where reef-building corals live and thrive on the planet to create the beautiful coral reefs we’ve come to know and love. Although …

What are Corals?

In this What are Corals video, you’ll learn what corals really are. Corals are animals. An individual coral’s body, called a polyp, is mostly stomach, with a mouth on top. Its mouth is ringed with tentacles – but these just …

2015 Annual Report

2015 marked an important milestone in our Foundation’s life – completion of the field-work for our Global Reef Expedition (GRE). We circumnavigated the globe on the GRE, engaged with 15 different countries and surveyed 97 islands and over 1,000 individual reefs. However, …

Coral Reefs: Trouble in Paradise Film

Coral Reefs: Trouble in Paradise Film by Living Oceans Foundation tells the story of an international scientific team in the Chagos Archipelago, a tropical paradise in the British Indian Ocean Territory with some of the healthiest coral reefs on the planet. …

El Niño’s warmth devastates reefs worldwide

This article on how El Niño’s warmth devastates reefs worldwide, published in Science magazine, references Living Oceans Foundation Coral Reef Ecologist Alex Dempsey and focuses on the impact to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) which the Foundation surveyed as part of …

Spread of the green snail Turbo marmoratus in French Polynesia

This article on the spread of the green snail in French Polynesia published in Ocean & Coastal Management was a result of research conducted by Living Oceans Foundation Chief Scientist Andrew Bruckner and Coral Reef Ecologist Alexandra Dempsey with other …

Earth Matters January Puzzler: Palau’s Coral Reefs

Each month, NASA Earth Observatory’s Earth Matters blog offers a puzzling satellite image for its readers to ‘solve’… or weigh in on as to what part of the earth the satellite image depicts and why it is of interest.  The January …

Chagos Study Shows Coral Reefs Resilient To Warming Events

A recent Chagos study shows that substantial reef recovery is possible after large-scale warming events. This article by Climate Progress cites Living Oceans Foundation’s recent Global Reef Expedition mission to BIOT relative to the study and their significance with respect to recent …