Exploring the World Heritage Convention for High Seas conservation

The High Seas span our globe, covering half the earth. But they are unprotected. The UNESCO World Heritage Marine Programme, in close collaboration with IUCN, is exploring the potential of the 1972 World Heritage Convention to preserve places in areas …

What is Ecology?

Do you know… what is Ecology? In this What is Ecology video, you’ll learn what ecology is and more specifically, what is coral reef ecology. Ecology explores living things, plus the way they interact with one another, and their physical surroundings. …

Form Fits Function

Do you know… how corals bodies help ensure their survival? In this Form Fits Function video, you’ll learn how corals bodies are designed to ensure their survival. Ever heard the phrase form fits function? It’s when the shape of something is designed …

Corals: The Birds and the Bees

Do you know… how corals reproduce? In this Coral Reproduction video, you’ll learn how corals reproduce both sexually and asexually to ensure their survival. How do coral colonies ensure their own survival generation after generation? Corals reproduce sexually (mass spawning …

Ocean Alert: Overfishing Crisis

Do you REALLY know… about the overfishing crisis? In this Overfishing Crisis video, you’ll  learn what overfishing is, and why it has become a global crisis. The world’s oceans are the biggest source of food for the whole planet. Almost 35% …

Coral Reefs: Unraveling the Web

Can you… unravel the coral reef food web? In this video about Unraveling the Coral Reef Food Web, you’ll learn how the coral reef ecosystem supports millions of different creatures through a complex chain of interdependent food chains. Coral reefs …

Coral Reef Zones

Do you know… what are coral reef zones? In this Coral Reef Zones video, you’ll learn how scientists divide coral reefs into zones, what the zones are, and what criteria they base these divisions upon. Scientists divide coral reefs into …

Birth of an Atoll

Do you know… how is an atoll born? In this Birth of Atoll video, you’ll learn what an atoll is and how it is formed. Atolls begin as an underwater volcanoes called seamounts. Over time and many eruptions the seamount …

What Do Corals Eat?

Do you know… what do corals eat? In this What Do Corals Eat video, you’ll learn about what types of food sources corals eat and how. Coral polyps are mostly stomach, with a mouth on top. Symbiotic algae, zooxanthellae, live …

Where Are Coral Reefs Found?

Do you know… where are coral reefs found? In this Where Are Coral Reefs Found video, you’ll learn where reef-building corals live and thrive on the planet to create the beautiful coral reefs we’ve come to know and love. Although …