From the Classroom to the Field

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Our CREW member Jim has written a blog about his initial experience with us on this research mission: “It is an incredible opportunity to spend time with scientists who are doing the research that gives us the science that we …

Alberta Primetime Interviews Candice Jwaszko Coral Reef Educator

Alberta Primetime Interviews Candice Jwaszko Coral Reef Educator, while on board the Golden Shadow in French Polynesia as part of the Foundation’s Coral Reef Educator on the Water (CREW) program. Candice Jwaszko, a science teacher from Alberta, Canada, was interviewed …

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle at the Smithsonian

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle A conversation with ‘Her Deepness’ Dr. Sylvia Earle. The Foundation’s scientific team connected with Dr. Earle from the research ship Golden Shadow in the Galápagos. Dr. Earle and the science team discussed the Foundation’s …

Top Lessons from the Reef: Did You Know?

Top Lessons from the Reef: Did You Know? Natural spaces can provide powerful educational experiences because they provide tangible links to scientific concepts that can often seem abstract or immaterial. Through the Global Reef Expedition (GRE), the Living Oceans Foundation …

Mike Trimble interviews Jean Wiener

Mike Trimble interviews Jean Wiener aboard the Golden Shadow ocean research vessel during the Global Reef Expedition. Mike Trimble was the first Living Oceans Foundation Coral Educator on the Water (CREW) participant, attending the Navassa Mission in June 2012, and …