Crown of Thorns Starfish Crisis

Do you know… what is the crown of thorns starfish crisis? In this Crown of Thorns Starfish Crisis video, you’ll learn what crown of thorns starfish are and why they are the source of a crisis within our oceans. The crown-of-thorns …

Coral: What Is It?

Do you really know… what is coral? In this What is Coral video, you’ll learn what coral really is and how it functions within the reef ecosystem. Corals are animals. They are alive. Corals are made up of tiny animals called …

Naming Nature

Do you know… how scientists name nature? In this Naming Nature video, you’ll learn what Classification is and more specifically, how it relates to coral reef ecology. Classification helps scientists tell species apart. This educational video explains modern biological classification …

Form Fits Function

Do you know… how corals bodies help ensure their survival? In this Form Fits Function video, you’ll learn how corals bodies are designed to ensure their survival. Ever heard the phrase form fits function? It’s when the shape of something is designed …

Coral Reefs: Unraveling the Web

Can you… unravel the coral reef food web? In this video about Unraveling the Coral Reef Food Web, you’ll learn how the coral reef ecosystem supports millions of different creatures through a complex chain of interdependent food chains. Coral reefs …

What are Corals?

In this What are Corals video, you’ll learn what corals really are. Corals are animals. An individual coral’s body, called a polyp, is mostly stomach, with a mouth on top. Its mouth is ringed with tentacles – but these just …

Mission to Palau

The Global Reef Expedition surveyed the reefs of Palau as part of their ongoing mission to study the health of coral reefs around the world. Palau’s reefs are filled with schools of large fish and ancient corals, important indicators of …

Longjawed Mackerel: A Real ‘Big Mouth’

These weird and wonderful fish are the Longjawed Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). They swim around with their mouths open and gill rakers exposed, filtering zooplankton from the water for food. They swim in densely packed schools and are widespread throughout the …

Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) Crisis

The venomous thorn-like spines that protect this crown of thorns starfish are the least of our problems – this species is destroying coral reefs in many parts of the world due to an imbalance in the oceans – find out …

Mission Galápagos Introduction

In June 2012, the Living Oceans Foundation visited the Galápagos Islands as part of the Global Reef Expedition. Mission Galápagos Introduction This Mission Galápagos Introduction video explains how the Galápagos Islands are in a unique oceanic location and are considered …