Pedro Bank nurse shark

We found this Pedro Bank nurse shark resting on the bottom while setting the current sensor in place on March 12 during the Jamaica Mission of the Global Reef Expedition.   Video by Brian Beck, Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation

Flashlight Fish

A Bright Dot! The Flashlight Fish Makes Itself Known During the Global Reef Expedition Fiji mission, Dawn Bailey spots a flashlight fish on a night dive.

Trumpetfish at Andros Island Bahamas

Check out this trumpetfish at Andros Island Bahamas … just one of the many reef creatures we encountered during the Bahamas leg of the Global Reef Expedition.

Lionfish at Andros Island Bahamas

This lionfish at Andros Island Bahamas is one of the coral reef creatures filmed during the Global Reef Expedition.

Inaguas, Bahamas and Hogsty Reef Field Report

Between 1 August 2011 and 24 August 2011, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a coral reef research mission to Great Inagua, Little Inagua, and Hogsty Reef as part of the Global Reef Expedition. The research included two …