Terrestrial and Marine Ecology of Desnoeufs, Amirantes, Seychelles

Terrestrial and Marine Ecology of Desnoeufs, Amirantes, Seychelles. The Amirantes group, Seychelles, comprises 24 islands and islets lying between 5o and 6o south of the equator on the Amirantes Bank, western Indian Ocean. The islands were discovered by the Portuguese …

Morphology and Marine Ecology of Boudeuse, Amirantes, Seychelles

Morphology and Marine Ecology of Boudeuse, Amirantes, Seychelles The Amirantes group, Seychelles, comprises 24 islands and islets lying between 5o and 6o south of the equator on the Amirantes Bank, western Indian Ocean. The group extends over a distance of …

Western Atlantic Coral Reef Health and Resilience Cards

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Western Atlantic Coral Reef Health and Resilience Cards The Western Atlantic Health and Resilience Cards provide photographic examples of the dominant habitat features and biological indicators of coral reef condition, health and resilience to future perturbations. Representative examples of benthic substrates types, indicators …

Crawling to Collapse: Ecologically Unsound Ornamental Invertebrate Fisheries

Crawling to Collapse: Ecologically Unsound Ornamental Invertebrate Fisheries Background: Fishery management has historically been an inexact and reactionary discipline, often taking action only after a critical stock suffers overfishing or collapse. The invertebrate ornamental fishery in the State of Florida, with …

The Other Coral Eaters

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I’ve spent a lot of time talking about the corals, how they are faring, and what invertebrates are eating them. I’ve only briefly mentioned fish, even though they are the showcase of the Red Sea. From charismatic megafuana like the …

Observing Majestic Whale Sharks

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After another spectacular day exploring the Farasan Banks, I was once again enamored by the wonders of the Red Sea and the rich diversity of life that abounds on the reefs and in surrounding waters. We completed two spectacular wall …

Red Whale Shark

This Red Whale Shark underwater video was taken during the Farasan Banks Expedition.

The Amazing Cuttlefish

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During a dive on an inshore reef I saw my first cuttlefish, a pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis). A cephalopod related to the squid and octopus, this animal has eight tentacles and two arms located in pouches beneath its eyes. It …

The Hungry, Hungry Corallivores

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On most of the reefs I have dived on over the last ten days, I can always find a coral that is missing some of its tissue. Most often, it’s been eaten by some other animal. Two colonies of Acropora, …