Sharks and Rays Today

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Our fifth day of research was an epic day. Once again, we had blue skies, calm seas and clear water. One of the local experts warned us of strong winds and a change in conditions, but so far the seas …

Science Diary – 19 May 2006

Focus for today: Reef Creatures. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: National Science Curriculum, Dual Award, Sc2, 4a: variation arises from genetic causes, environmental causes and a combination of both. Key information: The sea not only occupies approximately two thirds …

Moray Eel #1

This Moray Eel underwater video is the first of two moray eels filmed during the Seychelles Expedition filming of reef creatures and other sea life.

Coral Oasis

This Coral Oasis underwater coral reef video was filmed during the Seychelles Expedition filming of reef creatures and other sea life.


This Angelfish underwater coral reef video was taken during the Seychelles Expedition filming of reef creatures and other sea life.

Moray Eel #2

This Moray Eel underwater video is the second of two moray eels filmed during the Seychelles Expedition filming of reef creatures and other sea life.

Science Diary – 23 May 2006

Focus for today: Breeding Gulls in the Farasan Islands. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: National Science Curriculum, Dual Award, Sc2, 5a: the distribution and relative abundance of organisms in habitats can be explained using ideas of interdependence, adaptation, competition …

Science Diary – 22 May 2006

Focus for today: Phases of daily life for coral reef fishes. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: National Science Curriculum, Dual Award, Sc2, 5a: the distribution and relative abundance of organisms in habitats can be explained using ideas of interdependence, …

Fish Phases: A Day in the Life of a Reef Fish

About Coral Reef Fish Phases A dive on a coral reef during the day presents a scene of a kaleidoscope of activity by reef fish of many different species, sizes, colors and behaviors, all seeming to be moving everywhere at …