Scientist hard at work

Our scientists sure work really hard when aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow.  Here are some shots of them in action.

High and Dry in Sydney, Part 2

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We don’t often update and reissue a blog, but we felt that the journey that the Golden Shadow has undergone in dry dock is really cool.  Since we last put out this blog, the Golden Shadow has finished its repairs …

High and Dry in Sydney

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Our Global Reef Expedition is one of the largest coral reef studies ever undertaken. Throughout the entire mission all our research is supported by the research vessel M/Y Golden Shadow. Now at 20 years old, Golden Shadow is required to …

Currents on the Reef

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As the dive team descended on our first dive in the northern atolls of New Caledonia, Pelotas Reef, it was apparent to all that this would be a challenging dive. The reason – current! Sea Whips The presence of strong …

Isle of Pines

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As we arrived into Ill des Pins (Isle of Pines) on the first day of the mission, one type of vegetation struck me. Pine forests tower above the landscape, and stretch right down to the shore! Though we came to …

Sea Snakes Galore!

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Yesterday, while exploring a nearby island, Dive Safety Officer, Nick Cautin, spotted 15 sea snakes on the beach!  We seem to be seeing them everywhere – on land, SCUBA diving, and even on the aft deck of the M/Y Golden …

Shivering for Science

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Cold Water Diving Shortly after sunrise the main dive boat, Calcutta, set out from Golden Shadow to survey a gently sloping spur and groove reef system on the south eastern side of Ill des Pins. The dive team and crew …

Trick or Treat?

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Several hours after dark on Halloween, a large school of bait fish attracted to the lights given off by the Golden Shadow, congregated near the aft deck to feed on plankton.  This fish behavior (and the lights) also attracted other …

A Fabulous Ocean Research Platform: Ship Tour of the Golden Shadow

A Fabulous Ocean Research Platform Join Living Oceans Foundation Executive Director, Phil Renaud, as he takes us on a Golden Shadow Ship Tour video of the logistics and scientific research vessel that makes possible the Foundation’s remote coral reef research …