Back Deck Timelapse

Check out this back deck timelapse video of Living Oceans Foundation Golden Shadow coral reef research vessel and its busy marine scientists, scientific scuba divers, and ship’s crew.

Bahamas@Sunrise Special Edition Aboard the Golden Shadow

On April 8, 2011, a Bahamas@Sunrise Special Edition Aboard the Golden Shadow was held in Nassau, Bahamas to kick off the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition. This six-year endeavor conducted 3 legs of coral reef research …

Mangroves of Tonga

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Mangroves are unique trees that grow in intertidal areas of subtropical and tropical regions. They are highly specialized in adapting to distinctive environmental conditions they occupy. For instance, some mangroves are able to absorb seawater from the ocean and expel …

Fasting Whales

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Does the idea of whales fasting sound strange to you? Read on to find out why they do… Humpback whales are a type of baleen whale. Baleen whales do not have teeth, instead they have baleen plates, which are made …

Whales, Whales, Whales

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Traveling from dive spot to dive spot in Tonga it’s not difficult to find a misty cloud of water near the surface. We have arrived during Megaptera novaeangliae, humpback whale season. Why are there humpback whales near Tonga this time …

Global Reef Expedition

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation completed one of the largest coral reef studies in history: the Global Reef Expedition. Over the course of 10 years, the Expedition circumnavigated the globe aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow surveying some of …