9 May 2006 : Vessel Log – Filming the Golden Shadow

This Filming the Golden Shadow video taken during the Farasan Islands Expedition to the Red Sea depicts scientists working at sea aboard an ocean research vessel. About Filming the Golden Shadow Yesterday evening was quite a treat for everybody onboard. …

8 May 2006 : Vessel Log – Anchoring

This Anchoring video of the Golden Shadow ocean research vessel was taken during the Farasan Islands Expedition to the Red Sea. About Anchoring Back on the Golden Shadow all the rest of the scientists went out for more diving accompanied …

5 May 2006 : Fact of the Day – Teamwork

This Teamwork Aboard on Ocean Research Vessel video was taken during the Farasan Islands Expedition to the Red Sea. About Teamwork As you’ll have noted from the 4th May Science Diary, there are a variety of people working together to …

Project SeaCAMEL – Module 4 – Background Info – Sponge Chambers

Sponge Chambers Video of an experimental chamber used by a team of Aquarius aquanauts led by Dr. Patterson that investigated the bioenergetics of a sponge common at Conch Reef, Callyspongia vaginalis. This species is interesting as it has several characters …