The Bait Grounds

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 3 Today we surveyed reefs in the Ngeruktabel complex of the Rock Islands, which are located south of Malakal harbor.  The area is known locally as the “bait grounds” because local fishermen use small nets …

Palau’s Iconic Rock Islands

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Expedition Log: Palau – Day 1 We’ve embarked on our next research mission of the Global reef Expedition to Palau, a Freely Associated State with strong ties to the United States.  Palau is is in the western Pacific, fairly close …

Month-Long Palau Coral Reef Research Expedition Begins

LANDOVER, MD, January 8th, 2015 – Today a massive coral reef research expedition begins in Palau. It is a joint project between the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, the Coral Reef Research Foundation, and Palau International Coral Research Center …

Great Barrier Reef Field Report

During the month of September 2014, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to the Great Barrier Reef as part of the Global Reef Expedition. In response to the some of the reef’s decline, the Great …

Who’s up for a Dive on an Active Volcano?

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After our dive earlier in the mission where we could hear the submarine explosions of Kavachi, the underwater volcano (and occasionally nascent island landmass), we were told that we were in for a special treat on the last day of …