Education and Outreach
Mangrove Education and Restoration Blog We are reaching the end of our time here in Jamaica and Art Binkowski, our J.A.M.I.N. videographer, got a lot of really great footage of the J.A.M.I.N. program, interviews, and aerial drone footage. Today, Art …
Meet our filmmaker, Art Binkowski
Mangrove Education and Restoration Blog Filmmaker Art Binkowski You’ve done a lot of natural history or environmental films, what does a natural history filmmaker do? As natural history filmmakers, we try to capture and show the natural world in its …
Getting to the “Root” of the Problem
Mangrove Education and Restoration Blog Although it has been raining on and off ever since we arrived in Jamaica, today the weather is absolutely perfect. It’s a good thing too, because as a part of the J.A.M.I.N. year 2 program, …
JAMIN Fall 2016
These JAMIN Fall 2016 Photos capture the kick-off of the 2016-2017 Jamaica Awareness of Mangroves in Nature (J.A.M.I.N.) mangrove education and restoration program with some new moves: a Year 2 program, a new school, and a promo film!
We J.A.M.I.N. in a New Way
Mangrove Education and Restoration Blog Finally, we have arrived in Jamaica! Unfortunately, we had to postpone the J.A.M.I.N. program for a few weeks due to Hurricane Matthew’s approach; however, I’m happy to say that Jamaica was not affected by the …
The Year in Pictures 2016
Check out Living Oceans Foundation Year in Pictures 2016 of our most memorable moments and events of the year: the Nekton launch, filming in Dakar, the UNESCO Marine Site Manager’s Conference, B.A.M. / J.A.M.I.N. Year-2 Program Launch, and our annual …
A Conversation with Conservation Photographer Michele Westmorland
During the 2016 WiLDSPEAK event in Washington DC, we had a chance to speak with conservation photographer Michele Westmorland about what it was like to join the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation on the Global Reef Expedition in French Polynesia …
Coral Reef Education Portal Wins Prestigious W3 Award
The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is proud to announce that our Coral Reef Education Portal won the 2016 W3 Award for Environmental Awareness. Receiving nearly 5,000 entries, the W3 Award honors outstanding websites, web marketing, web video, mobile sites, …
2016 Blue Ocean Film Festival Finalists
The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is thrilled to announce that two of our films have been selected as finalists in the world’s largest ocean film and conservation summit, the Blue Ocean Film Festival! The Blue Ocean Film Festival …