A Coral’s Community

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Coral reefs are majestic undersea wonders that contain some of the most unique and mysterious creatures I have ever observed. Ever since my first encounter with one while snorkeling, the natural awe and intrigue I feel in the presence of these incredible ecosystems has never left me. Throughout my education I have learned about the biology, the functions, and the benefits of coral reefs, and the natural and anthropogenic activities that threaten them. But it wasn’t until I started teaching about coral reefs on the Global Reef Expedition (GRE) that I truly understood the interconnectedness between people and the reefs. It was an insight gained not through a textbook, but, rather, from listening to, speaking with, and directly engaging those whose lives—and livelihoods—are impacted by coral reefs.

During the GRE Fiji mission, we launched our first large-scale education and outreach program that coincided with the scientific research taking place. Before we could proceed, however, we first needed to meet with the chiefs of the local villages to discuss our scientific and educational objectives, as well as seek their approval to continue in our mission. With the helpful guidance of our local liaisons and education partners, Roko Josefa Cinavilakeba and Laitia Raloa, we were able to have fruitful discussions with the chiefs of each village, after which the science team was granted permission to continue in their research. The education team, after continued discussions with the chief and other community members, were able to establish a schedule for coral reef education seminars for the schools and local communities.

Announcing Our 10th Annual Science Without Borders® Challenge!

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The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is now accepting entries for the 2022 Science Without Borders® Challenge! This annual art contest inspires students from all over the world to be creative while learning about important ocean science and conservation issues. The theme for this year’s competition is “Ridge to Reef,” and scholarships of up to $500 will be awarded to the winning entries.

Scientists estimate that we have already lost more than half of the world’s coral reefs. To ensure the survival of these vital ecosystems, people can help alleviate the threats to coral reefs by putting different management actions into place. Everything is interconnected from the land to the sea, so people often use what is termed a “Ridge to Reef” management approach. What happens on land, affects the aquatic and ocean ecosystems; therefore, all terrestrial, aquatic, and oceanic ecosystems must be studied, including how humans interact with these ecosystems, to understand how to protect coral reefs.

For this year’s contest, we are asking students to create a piece of artwork that illustrates one or more actions that governments, non-profits, park managers, and indigenous communities can take to preserve and conserve coral reefs. The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has compiled information to help students learn about the theme and gain a better understanding of how coral reefs are managed from Ridge to Reef.

To enter the 2022 Science Without Borders® Challenge, follow the Contest Rules, review the Tips for Success, and upload your artwork to our online Submission Form. The Challenge is open to all students who are 11-19 years old and enrolled in primary or secondary school (or the home-school equivalent). Entries must be received by Monday, March 7, to be eligible to win.

Global Reef Expedition Final Report

The Global Reef Expedition Final Report summarizes the findings from our 10-year research mission to survey and map coral reefs across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans as well as the Red Sea. The Expedition involved hundreds of research scientists …

Last chance to enter our student art contest, the Science Without Borders® Challenge!

There is still time to participate in our international student art competition, the Science Without Borders® Challenge! Submit your artwork by Monday, April 20 for your chance to win up to $500. 

This year the theme for the Science Without Borders® Challenge is “The Magic of Mangroves.” Mangroves are extremely important ecosystems that provide many benefits, such as coastal protection, nursery grounds, and habitat. For this year’s theme, we are asking students to create a piece of art that illustrates how mangroves are important. 

Education Partner Teacher Profile: Lianna Burrows

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In honor of International Education Week, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has chosen to profile Lianna Burrows at Friends of the Environment (FRIENDS). Lianna works with us on our Bahamas Awareness of Mangroves (B.A.M.) program, which teaches students about mangrove forests while helping them restore this vital ecosystem.

Dive into the Underwater World of Coral Reefs

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We understand that these times are challenging, especially with students, parents, and teachers adjusting to homeschooling. To make life easier, we have compiled our best e-learning videos, activities, and worksheets on our website, so that you can easily find engaging …


Are your kids learning from home? The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has a number of resources parents and teachers can use to provide their kids with a quality science education from home.  As COVID-19 has changed our learning …