Scuba Diving

Almost all of the Living Ocean Foundation’s scientific research is conducted via SCUBA diving.  Since the start of the Global Reef Expedition in 2011, the Foundation has worked with 196 different scientists and has safely conducted over 6000 SCUBA dives, …

Scientific Collaboration

In order to understand the dynamics of a coral reef ecosystem, we must conduct standardized research techniques, which include scientific surveys and habitat mapping. This data helps our scientists to understand the entire picture for what is happening with coral …

Reef Resilience

During our research at sea we take measurements and collect data to help us determine a reef’s resilience What is Reef Resilience? In a nutshell resilience is the ability of an ecosystem, like a coral reef, to both resist change …

Global Reef Expedition

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation completed one of the largest coral reef studies in history: the Global Reef Expedition. Over the course of 10 years, the Expedition circumnavigated the globe aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow surveying some of …

Coral Ecology

Coral ecology is the study of relationships between living organisms found on coral reefs and their interactions with the natural and human environment.  All kinds of sea creatures, corals and other invertebrates, fish, algae and seagrasses, are all integrally linked …