Reefs Around Rangiroa, Aratika and Raraka

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After two weeks, we’ve completed reef assessments around Rangiroa, Aratika, and Raraka and are now examining Fakarava. Tuamotu reefs are dramatically different from Society Islands.  Besides the near absence of crown of thorns seastars (we’ve seen a handful in the …

Reality TV – The Reef

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French Polynesia is a long way from my hometown of St. Albert in Alberta, Canada. For many of my students, coral reefs are an abstract concept. Fortunately, in my short time with the science team, I have acquired many amazing …

Global Reef Expedition Navassa Field Report March 25‐31, 2012

Global Reef Expedition Navassa Field Report March 25‐31, 2012 Navassa Island (18◦24’10’’ N, 75◦0’45’’W) is a U.S. possession that is approximately 5 km2 in area. The island lacks permanent human population. The island is comprised of a raised plateau surrounded by steep …

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle at the Smithsonian

World Oceans Day with Sylvia Earle A conversation with ‘Her Deepness’ Dr. Sylvia Earle. The Foundation’s scientific team connected with Dr. Earle from the research ship Golden Shadow in the Galápagos. Dr. Earle and the science team discussed the Foundation’s …

Lagoon Life

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One of the most exciting aspects of this expedition is that every morning we get in the water having no idea what we’re about to find. There’s always something interesting to see, but sometimes the reefs we find are a …

Mike Trimble interviews Jean Wiener

Mike Trimble interviews Jean Wiener aboard the Golden Shadow ocean research vessel during the Global Reef Expedition. Mike Trimble was the first Living Oceans Foundation Coral Educator on the Water (CREW) participant, attending the Navassa Mission in June 2012, and …