Rebirth of a Coral Reef

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For our third dive of the day we surveyed a submerged mid shelf reef, adjacent and west of a deep water channel that bisects the Farasan Banks. As I descended to the bottom, something seemed amiss. Unlike the crystal clear, …

Above the Waterline (Al Lith)

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Today we continued exploring the reefs in the northern portion of the Farasan Banks and several team members surveyed the mountainous Abu Latt (Al Lith Island) Island. The islands sandy beaches are important hawksbill nesting grounds, with twelve tracks observed …

Our First Dives (Abu Latt)

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Saturday, April 4. Our research team boarded the Golden Shadow on Saturday morning, departing from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia around mid day for a 7 hour (120 mile) journey to the northern end of the Farasan Banks. We reached our first …

Science Diary – 24 May 2006

Focus for today: Post-expedition data analysis. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: Double Award Applied Science; Developing Scientific Skills (Carrying our Practical Tasks, Recording and Post-expedition data analysis). Key information: During the 3 weeks of this expedition, a huge amount …

24 May 2006: Fact of the Day – Executive Director Phil Renaud

Executive Director Phil Renaud: “Over six long months of persistent effort was required to plan this Farasan Islands Marine Protected Area research project. I always say that ‘there are a lot of moving parts’ to these expeditions. However, when the …

Science Diary – 21 May 2006

Focus for today: Symbiosis on the reef. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: National Science Curriculum, Dual Award, Sc2, 5a: the distribution and relative abundance of organisms in habitats can be explained using ideas of interdependence, adaptation, competition and predation. …

Symbiosis: Living Together – Science Diary

This underwater video of Symbiosis on a Coral Reef was taken during Living Oceans Foundation Farasan Islands Expedition filming of coral ecology videos. About Symbiosis The word symbiosis comes from the Greeks, meaning ‘together’ and ‘life’, so literally it means: …

Science Diary – 20 May 2006

Focus for today: Marine Pollution. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: National Science Curriculum, Dual Award, Sc2, 5b; the impact of humans on the environment depends on social and economic factors, including population size, industrial processes and levels of consumption …

Science Diary – 18 May 2006

Focus for today: Photo transects: A picture is worth a thousand data points! Target Key Stage: Key Stage 4 – Double Award Applied Science: Unit 1, Developing Scientific Skills, Carrying out practical tasks (recording and analysing scientific data) / Unit …

Science Diary – 16 May 2006

Focus for today: Farasan Earthquakes (Earthquakes in the Farasan region.) Target key stage: Key Stage 4: National Science Curriculum, Dual Award, Sc2, 4a: variation arises from genetic causes, environmental causes and a combination of both. Key information: The Farasan Islands …