Scientist hard at work

Our scientists sure work really hard when aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow.  Here are some shots of them in action.

Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) Crisis

The venomous thorn-like spines that protect this crown of thorns starfish are the least of our problems – this species is destroying coral reefs in many parts of the world due to an imbalance in the oceans – find out …

COTS: Aitutaki

By James Barrat In May 2013, when the science team of the Khaled Bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation plunged into the waters surrounding Aitutaki in the Cook Islands, we discovered a reef in crises. Something had damaged between 80 and …

New Caledonia Field Report

Between, 26 October, 2013 – 26 November, 2013, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to New Caledonia as part of the Global Reef Expedition. The research focused on coral reefs in four locations, Ile des …

Red Reefs

Written by and

At the southern end of Grande Terre, is Prony Bay, a large sheltered bay at the convergence of the open ocean and two larger streams that drain the surrounding mountains and hillsides.  The terrain here is unusual: dark red earth …

Natures Cement – A Tale of Two Dives

Written by and

With wind and swell building from the south and east, we identified two relatively sheltered sites north of Ile des Pins for the morning surveys. Ominous rain clouds were building in the sky to the east, but we were glad …

Corals Get Sick Too! Coral Disease (with examples)

Corals have many natural and anthropogenic threats. Coral disease is just one of them. Find out more about corals, coral disease, and how coral disease is causing the deterioration of coral reefs around the world.

Climate Change and the Prophetic Galapagos Coral Reefs

Climate change is one of the largest global threats to coral reefs. Learn how corals in the Galapagos Islands may be good indicators for climate change and how they may help in managing other coral reefs throughout the world.

Tonga Field Report

Between September 10, 2013 – October 3, 2013 the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to Tonga as part of the Global Reef Expedition, focusing on coral reefs surrounding the islands in the Ha’apai group (Sep 11-21), …