Reality TV – The Reef

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French Polynesia is a long way from my hometown of St. Albert in Alberta, Canada. For many of my students, coral reefs are an abstract concept. Fortunately, in my short time with the science team, I have acquired many amazing …

Inaguas, Bahamas and Hogsty Reef Field Report

Between 1 August 2011 and 24 August 2011, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a coral reef research mission to Great Inagua, Little Inagua, and Hogsty Reef as part of the Global Reef Expedition. The research included two …

Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas Field Report

Between April 25-May 18, 2011, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (LOF) and our partners assessed the coral reefs and associated habitats of Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas as part of the Global Reef Expedition. The mission encompassed 20 days at …


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Over the last few weeks, you’ve heard a lot about our SCUBA surveys, what we’ve seen, and the health and resilience of these reefs. One of our major goals during this Expedition is to identify areas of rich biodiversity, as …

The Hunt for the Colorful Coral

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Over the last nine days we have visited many exciting and unusual reefs, starting close to shore at the northern end of the Farasan Banks and slowly working our way south. We have seen some areas that appear, at least …

Science Diary – 24 May 2006

Focus for today: Post-expedition data analysis. Target key stage: Key Stage 4: Double Award Applied Science; Developing Scientific Skills (Carrying our Practical Tasks, Recording and Post-expedition data analysis). Key information: During the 3 weeks of this expedition, a huge amount …