Fact Friday

The family Scorpaenidae includes a number of the world’s most venomous fish species. The scorpionfish in this photo has a painful sting if you happen to be unlucky enough to come into contact with one of its spines. The pain caused by its cousin, the stonefish, can be so painful that the body goes into shock and may die.

Photo Credit: Ken Marks

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Crown of Thorns Starfish

December 1, 2023

Crown of Thorns Starfish

Crown-of-Thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci), also known as COTS, are named for their long venomous spines that cover their body and up to 23 arms. These menacing predators eat living coral and (for obvious reasons) they have few natural predators. Sometimes COTS populations can explode and completely destroy the coral on a reef. Learn more in this short education video: 


Photo Credit: Ken Marks