Fact Friday

Sea turtles can hold their breath for 4-7 hours while sleeping and resting. How do they do it? Sea turtles are reptiles; like humans, they breathe air. They cannot breathe underwater. When a sea turtle is inactive, its metabolism and heartbeat “slows down,” which decreases the amount of oxygen it uses in its blood. Sea turtles can slow their heartbeat so that it only beats once every nine minutes! For comparison, the human heart beats an average of 80 times in one minute. One breath from the surface can go a long way for these amazing animals.

Photo Credit: Ken Marks

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Welcome to our Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum!

The purpose of these innovative coral reef education materials is to engage and inspire students to learn about coral reefs and to become stewards of this vital ecosystem.

Why? The Foundation strives to increase ocean literacy by creating awareness about coral reefs. They harbor nearly 25% of all marine species. Reefs also provide a food supply and livelihood for millions of people around the world.

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    Integrate 21st century learning into your classes, while students learn about coral reefs and how humans are connected to this unique ecosystem. Get started now!

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Our Course

This award-winning coral reef ecology curriculum has been developed in accordance with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the Ocean Literacy Principles (OLP), and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).  It is aimed towards high school students, but can be adapted for other age groups.

Explore fourteen custom designed units on topics that can be integrated into a variety of courses such as art, biology, chemistry, environmental and marine science, and physics, while adhering to course standards. We are continuing to develop the curriculum and will add new units (a total of 23) and lesson plans as they are completed.  Future content includes the following topics:

Reef Formation                                      Biodiversity of Coral Reefs                            Reef Organisms 

Reef Organism Behaviors                      Connectivity of Ecosystems.                         Threats                                                   

Benefits                                                  The Foundation’s Research                          Resilience                                              

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