How We’re Expanding Access to Ocean Education

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Over the years, we’ve equipped teachers and students with a wide range of educational resources to foster a deeper understanding of coral reefs and mangrove ecosystems while aiding in increasing ocean literacy. Our Education Portal is the central hub for our Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum, but we also offer several additional programs and tools. For instance, our Mangrove Detectives citizen science initiative engages participants in hands-on exploration, while the Virtual Reef Expedition virtual reality app immerses students in coral reef zonation patterns and reef types. We provide an Ocean Odyssey Educator’s Guide to complement an educational IMAX film, and our most recent addition, the Reefs at Risk: Activity and Coloring Book, raises awareness about the threats coral reefs face. 

In the past year, we have been working with partners to expand the reach of the Reefs at Risk: Activity and Coloring Book by translating it into different languages. Given the increasing frequency and intensity of coral bleaching events due to climate change, educating children about these issues has become even more urgent. The book is now available in French and Spanish, with Arabic, Tahitian, and Thai translations currently underway.

To make our educational resources even more accessible, we’ve also undertaken the task of translating our educational videos. These videos, hosted on YouTube, are now available with closed captions in Arabic, German, French, and Spanish. The videos feature an auto-translate tool that allows captions to be translated into over 80 languages, ensuring that learners from around the world can benefit from this content.

KSLOF Educational Video Playlist

Below, you’ll find links to each of our educational videos. To access the closed captions, click on the settings gear icon, select “closed captions/CC,” and choose your preferred language. If your language isn’t available, select the auto-translate option for additional choices.

As we expand our educational resources, we remain committed to making them accessible to people worldwide. Understanding coral reefs and mangroves is key to protecting these vital ecosystems, and together, we can reach more learners and drive positive change for our oceans.

We’re always looking for volunteers to help us expand our global reach. If you’re fluent in a language and would like to contribute to translating our educational materials, please contact Amy Heemsoth at

Educational Videos Available with Translations

What are Corals?

Where are Coral Reefs Found? 

Coral: What Does it Eat? 

Birth of an Atoll 

Coral Reef Zones 

Coral Reefs: Unraveling the Web 

Ocean Alert: Overfishing 

Corals: The Birds and the Bees 

Form Fits Function 

What is Ecology? 

Naming Nature 

Pollution: Everything is Connected 

Coral: What is it? 

Crown of Thorns Starfish Crisis 

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