J.A.M.I.N. Student Voices

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Previously, you heard the voice of the students in our B.A.M. program. Now it’s time to hear how the students in Jamaica feel about our J.A.M.I.N. program.

Year 1 Program J.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18 Daniesia Eccleston


My favorite part of the J.A.M.I.N. program is when I actually got to visit the site where some of Jamaica’s beautiful mangroves are. I believe seeing them in person helped me to learn a lot.”   – Daniesia Eccleston, William Knibb High School


 J.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18 Jada Jackson


I’d like to say how grateful I am to be in this program. I am not longer ignorant about mangroves. I know their purpose, importance, and how lucky I am to have them. Without this project, I wouldn’t even know what these trees are nor, would I care for them.”   – Jada Jackson, William Knibb High School


J.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18



This program has made me realize how my behavior affects mangroves.”   – Rae-Anna Orie, William Knibb High School 



J.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18 Owen Robinson



I learned that mangroves are being harmed every day and we are responsible for this. We must take care of them and preserve the for future generations.”   – Owen Robinson, William Knibb High School




Year 2 ProgramJ.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18 Renaldo Campbell


This program is great! It allows us to feel like scientists doing our own experiments.”   – Renaldo Campbell, William Knibb High School



J.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18



I really hope that you all continue on with this project because it is very important for us to know about our mangroves and to know that they are important to us and our country.”   – Trisha Beckford, William Knibb High School



J.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18



Thank you for coming to William Knibb Memorial High School and giving us this wonderful experience. I didn’t know about mangroves until you and now I appreciate them, and I’ll continue to share this information with my family members.”   – Shadena Francis, William Knibb High School


J.A.M.I.N. Student Voice 2017-18



I think that the J.A.M.I.N. program is very educational. It teachers not only about mangroves, but it also gives us a feeling of wanting to care more for the environment.”   – Joby-Kay Evans, William Knibb High School



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